I really hate to be critical of factory produced items, but NOS or new, old stock should be an exact production, not a close reproduction. When doing a restoration we strive for exactness. We do not want it close, we want it exact. For this reason we usually source salvaged parts. This time around we went with factory original parts. Well, sort of.
The factory original shrunk down a little since 1970.
Close, but not exact. This required some buck rivets to be set in the missed holes, then shaved down with a Dremel to allow the frame to sit flush with the skin. A great deal of effort was also required to peen the edge over so it matches the skin contour. Let me tell you pounding on a window with a dead blow hammer requires a great deal of confidence. Just 1/4" to the wrong side and bye bye glass window or hello dented segment.
This one had been out twice before. Silicon was the method of attachment the second time around. Have I ever mentioned the loathing I have for silicon? Buck rivets secure it now.
One in, one to go...
Lots of VULKEM (Trempro 626 to be exact. Vulkem no longer exist even though everyone claims to use it. The original formula is now renamed Trempro 626 even though many call Trempro 636, 635, and even Silkaflex 535, Vulkem) These wing windows are good to go. Maybe the next post will be of the new rock guard. That is being installed so this does not happen again.
A Toaster update will be coming out soon too. A ton of forward progress has happened there. The new dinette should interest many of you.