Thursday, August 6, 2009

Roll on roll off

I am getting to know the system at the Port of Baltimore quite well now. No one is very friendly and they all have their finite union jobs to do, but slowly, I am catching on to how it works. Yesterday morning I went down and dropped of this 1963 Overlander. She is South Hampton bound. Not a bad trailer at all, with very nice skin and a fairly original interior. Too bad like all of them, she needs it all from axles to floor and a bit in between.

Once again, this is not the only Airstream waiting to be rolled on the boat.

There was this 1970 something Overlander too. She looked rather dejected sitting with her tongue right on the ground, all alone in the staging area. Who ever dropped her off did not even have the decency to throw a block under her. I tried to get the lot coordinator to let me park my Overlander next to her so they might not both feel so lonely, but she was bound for the other side of world. Her boat was not due in for a few more days.

There were also some new Euro Airstreams waiting for their boat to come in. I counted twelve, but could only take photos of these two. The guys at the Port do not like seeing the camera out. It must be the hundreds and hundreds of tanks, Humvies, and other military equipment getting ready to go for a boat ride to one of the wars.

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